Paul Sebastian

Paul Sebastian Poems

At a dim-lit dining table I sat
Alone, but a lone red rose in vase, stood
My mind's lost sojourn, she read
Confused and searching, my unusual mood

One night, I knocked your door
You opened welcoming me
We had tea and some spaghetti
We talked, fact-finding, no more

God fashioned man out of earth
In His image and breathed life into him
Woman He created for him to love
Dominion over creation, He gave him

Plant a thought seed
Water it with faith daily
To grow a thought habit
That captures you emotionally

Strength of a man is not measured
By what he achieves when pressured
But, how he manages through, smiling
How he achieves through team playing

A friend like a constant star of the day
A friend’s smiles and kindness always stay
A friend’s there in the hour of need
A friend plods you to succeed

A friend for every moment of the day
A friend with embracing smile, heart's joy ray
A friend who's there in time of need
A friend who plods you to succeed

All I ask is: give me one chance
To sing you an evergreen love song
Closely sway to this last dance
Locking arms as if we are bound for lifelong

Love Mother Malaysia
By Paul Sebastian

Mother Malaysia cries for moderation

Up on a mountain I asked a sage
To speak to me about money and he said:

Money: that tainted thing?


If you think you can't, you can't
If you think you can, you can
If you put limits on yourself
Which are barriers to wealth!

A gift expression of love
To one who deserves:
A solitary red rose
In a slender glass vase

Dawn gives birth to a new day:
Rushing in a flood of sun rays
Piercing morning mantel of dew,
Lifting new bride’s veil: for full view.

A true friend is a unique treasure
Divinely endowed, in good measure-
More precious than gold or pearls-
Valued throughout the passing years

If you love me true
These you would do:

If you love me, you would buy me a nice car

Coffee is waiting
Hot, yet we're sipping
Coffee waits, we're talking
Time's fast passing

S urveys and prepares class lessons
T akes trouble to make extra notes and
U ndertakes responsibility to study,
D oing all his assignments

Oh mirror, mirror on the wall
Break open my guarded seal
Pray tell, who am I, after all?
Stripping masks that conceal

Give me a chance to live
Live a life to give
I want to know
I want to grow

Forgive because you want to
Forgive even if it still hurts you
Forgive because love is stronger
Forgive or hurting stays longer

Paul Sebastian Biography

Paul Sebastian as the Principal Trainer & Consultant in BusinessSkills Training Centre, former Principal and current Academic Consultant in Master English Language Centre, K Lumpur, Malaysia. He teaches English to pre-college and university students, Business English and Communicative English at the Workplace to adult students. He also conducts soft-skills workshops. At the age of 22, he had his first poem published in a local Catholic newspaper and ever since then he has written about 315 poems, a collection of which he intends to publish soon in his book, Songs Of The Heart. His life's motto: 'Only a life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile.')

The Best Poem Of Paul Sebastian

Love Is Sacrifice

At a dim-lit dining table I sat
Alone, but a lone red rose in vase, stood
My mind's lost sojourn, she read
Confused and searching, my unusual mood

Rose asked: May I ask why the look of askance?
I could help to bring relief, given a chance
Trust me, I would find you an answer
It would be pathetic to see you whither!

I asked: How do I make my life beautiful?
She whispered: It begins with you being truthful
Your spirit and heart as one, emit fragrance
Become an attractive flower, for instance
Take my fragrance with you
To give away to others around, the few
With her fragrance within, I won many friends

Some time passed
Again, I went to her and asked:
How do I make my life more beautiful?

My rose said: You need to be uniquely coulourful
Be unique you, yet be real and true
Take my firmness, softness, my colour with you
Become real, be the real unique you!
Her uniqueness stood out, my uniqueness
I was loved, I found some happiness

Some time passed
Again, went to my Rose and asked:
How do I make my life complete with love?

She advised: You must learn to love
Really love, without being suave!
Take all my petals, strew them over your love, as you greet
I strewed the petals at my lover's feet
I found my love, all complete

Some time passed
Again, went to my Rose and asked:
How do I find my joy complete?

My Rose replied: I am now only a stump twig
I gave you all, even though it painfully pricked
Love is a choice of offering
A voluntarily self-sacrificing
Patiently, an unselfish giving
There's no greater love than this:
To lay down one's life for a fellow friend!

Paul Sebastian Comments

Ranjan Kumar Ghosh 19 September 2017

Very heartly your poem and very nice poem

0 0 Reply
Charity Nduhiu 15 July 2014

Wow wow i wish she could just give you a last chance. Please try again she will accept. Very nice poem

4 1 Reply

nice poems. you are great in showing feels.that shows a good improvement. i invite you to read my poems at my poets page. that is a friendly invitation

3 1 Reply
Richard Beevor 06 May 2014

the words just flow Paul, very entertaining poem, thank you

5 0 Reply

Paul Sebastian Quotes

One Life to Live Only one life to live, live your life worthwhile.

Fully Love, Fully Live Who does not love to excess, loves too little.

Paying the Price of Work To each God has given a land buried with diamonds. But each has to dig for them in his land.

Poetry When you squeeze your heart to put into words what you feel and perceive artistically, it is a poem. A good one is like a painting, it leaves impressions, some lasting lifetime!

Perfect Woman From the rib of man God created wo-man for He had to create a perfect person for raising a family!

Three Things That Count Three things count most in the end: Sincerity, honesty and integrity. Nothing else counts.

Religion of Peace Religion must be a religion of peace, for God is Peace.

Two Roads Of the two roads, a few will take the less traveled road to make new discoveries and leave a clear path for others to follow.

Life is too Short Life is too short to bear grudges and hurts. There are no repeats. Better to think right, feel right and do right and be happy!

Self Awareness Sometimes it is so difficult to look at oneself but others see us with truth,

Mother's Love I owe it all to my mother who has gone to a better place.

Forgive One who forgives again and again is God-like.

Failure is a Stepping Stone Failure is a stepping stone. Do it again better from wisdom learnt.

Love Animals If one cannot respond to an animal's show of love, how can the same one show love to a another human being?

Poet's Inspiration A poet immerses himself into what inspires him to paint in words what he experiences in his hearty and soul.

A Poet A poet immerses himself into what inspires him to paint in words what he experiences in his heart and soul.

Persistence Keep pressing on and you become ready when opportunity visits you!

Dreams alone are not good enough. Nobody becomes somebody if he does not start the beginning.

Life's willing to Pay Life will give you whatever you ask of it, if you are willing to pay the price.

Go Through Troubles, challenges, pain and even failures are stepping stones for success. If you do not go through fire, you cannot come out gold!

Move on Move on. To achieve your goals, you have to stay positive, keeping focus of what is ahead of you.

The best comes to those who strive doing their best - leave the rest to God!

You have the only chance now, to change your world. Do it!

Life is short, yet many want to die thinking about happiness!

Begin the morning with a win, the rest of the day is easily won.

Political stability begets economic stability.With right leaders, right policies and racial unity, the nation prospers.

Having plenty is not enough, but what you do with what you have for the havenots tells who you are.

The success of any organization lies on the team of key players and not on any individual leader.

Visualize your dream, see it already happening. Believe and do that you have to do today...the future will flower.

Love is a feeling you keep learning - learning to love and how to love more.

A lesson I learnt: The more I look within me the more I learn to understand others.

When you doubt love, there is no love; When you doubt God, there is no God.

Every fall begins a new direction to succeed.

Great people achieve great things because they put passion into what they do.

God has given us the keys of wisdom and understanding to unlock the gates of problems.

Your works speak louder than words you utter.

Money is a tainted thing. Lots of money does not make you rich. It is having a big heart that makes truly rich.

Happiness, like a butterfly, will come to rest on your shoulder when you become as beautiful and sweet as a flower.

It is difficult for one to become a true friend, but we search for that true friend in others.

Pray God to heal the cracks in your life and turn your life into a priceless treasure.

Hidden from truth are evil deeds of men done in the dark.

Accepting who you are is being contended but becoming who you want to be is fulfillment.

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