Man's Greed Poem by Paul Sebastian

Man's Greed

Rating: 5.0

God fashioned man out of earth
In His image and breathed life into him
Woman He created for him to love
Dominion over creation, He gave him
Eden's Paradise, earthly heaven as his treasure
Man, yet succumbed to Evil One's temptation
Greed banished him from heavenly pleasure
To till the earth for food; to earth, his destination

Greed begets even more deprivation
Man's insatiable greed has no limitation
He has learnt not despite Eden's first lesson
In his heart, greed to be like gods, lives on

Man looks for strange gods to trust
He worships the god of material riches
Falls at the feet of goddess of lust
Bows before goddess of envious witches
His heart wears pride as the devil's crest
Prowls to steal, kill and destroy: No glitches!

Powers of darkness, his propriety
Offers food to the god of gluttony
Religion abused in the name of Almighty
Alibi for rapes, killings; massacres for tyranny
Rich get richer; the poor suffer in dire poverty

Eco-green sacrificed to fatten an economy
Rapid industrialization, at expense of man's health
No regard for our children's futurity
Insane to abuse and rape Mother Earth!
Recklessly tampering with his posterity

Suffer man with floods, drought and eco-pollution
Mother Nature, suffocates in global warming
Flash weather changes, flash floods displacing thousands
Displaced millions more in nations that are warring
Coveting a people with self-stamped ideological warrants

Marriage institution wearing, gay-marriages in
Cultural norms challenged and evolving
Social-religious values trampled, crumpling
Is this the apocalypse man's hastening?
Has man begun his own grave digging?

Would he relent to warning cries and sober?
Rebel till it's too late? Then cry, 'Oh, my God! '
Would he forcefully usher in a new world order?
Would he elect the Chaotic Leader of days of old?
Man is mere earthly man, not God
He cannot play God, not reincarnate God
(He'd reincarnate the devil in him, as his god!)

Mother Earth, he must respect
Mother Nature, he must protect
God's Law he must hearken
To God he must return
Not become, himself, a god!


Thursday, September 25, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: greed
In the wake of global warming, wars, climatic changes and its consequences that have displaced thousands, this poem extols man to
go back to basics to love his fellow men and God's creation.
Godfrey Morris 27 April 2015

lovely poetry my friend. I did enjoy.

4 1 Reply
Kelly Kurt 27 April 2015

You would think we would have learned by now. Thank you for your poetic plea to wake up as a planetary people

3 1 Reply
Kewayne Wadley 27 April 2015

Powerful words! ! +10+10+10+10

3 1 Reply
Kewayne Wadley 27 April 2015

Powerful words! ! +10+10+10! !

3 1 Reply
Akhtar Jawad 28 October 2014

Mother Earth, he must respect Mother Nature, he must protect God's Law he must hearken To God he must return Not become, himself, a god! A great poem with a great message...............10

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Chandini Jaswal 27 July 2018

Greed begets even more deprivation Man's insatiable greed has no limitation This poem summed up all the wrongdoings man has inflicted upon Mother Earth in such an eloquent manner. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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Kostas Lagos 27 July 2017

Reminds me of the prophetic books.Exceptional!

3 1 Reply

A splendid sermon in the form of a poem. well said my friend!

6 1 Reply
Paul Sebastian 20 May 2015

dear fellow poets, thank you so much for your affirmation and encouragement. What a wonderful fraternity we have got! I must go on writing. each time I write is like squeezing my heart to paint a picture. Your support make it worth the while.

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Paul Sebastian 20 May 2015

This poem was published in The Herald, a Malaysian Catholic weekly, last week under the Editor's column.

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