Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson Poems

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A Daughter Through The Eyes Of A Father

A daughter is beauty at its finest.
Heart of an angel, soul so pure, and sweet.

Daddy Please Don'T Hurt Mommy

A little girl stood crying as the father beat the mother,
next to the girl stood her older sister, and older brother.
Alcohol was the demon that drove the beating hand,
the mother bruised, and sobbing cowards from the man.

God's Precious Gift

Child of love, child so bright,
child whose beauty out shines the light.

America Is

America is red, white, and blue,
the colors that stand so brave, and true.
Men in battle facing death,
Men in the world provoking crime, and theft.

Sweet Release

In life he loved,
in death he wept.
In life he hated,
in death he waited.

(actor&Singer) Scott Bakula - Prince Of Time And Space

When ye walked into the room I knew from the start,
oh how thee, my sweet prince, had stolen my heart.
The look thou bestowed upon me from where thou did stand,
froze time in a magical way as only true love can.

(am I Insane?)

I watched you walk to, and fro,
I watched you play in rain, and snow.
I saw you in the early dawn,
I climbed the steps you stepped upon.

A Zimbabwe Mother's Cry To Her Children

My children, my children how my heart doeth feel fear,
as the soldiers come with the destruction ever so near,
I weep for my future, I weep for my friends,
I weep for the lives that will be lost in the end.

A Mother's Heart Breaks For Her Son - (Jeffy-Pooh)

Though I only had you for a month, that time though short,
will remain in my heart, and mind for a lifetime.
You were so young, sweet, adorable.
You smiled, even up until the end.

Belle Etoile - My Star

Belle Etoile, Belle Etoile, my most Belle Etoile, the glorious Etoile,
you my, Beautiful Star, my show horse, are my pride and joy.
You came from Heaven on a thunder of smoke,
and as you gently whined into a gallop you broke.

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