I Am Your Wife, Touch Me Not Poem by Prabhat Kumar Sahoo

Prabhat Kumar Sahoo

Prabhat Kumar Sahoo

316, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India

I Am Your Wife, Touch Me Not

Rating: 4.2

The globe is hot
Days seem long, but
Nights are short
I am 'She' not,
I am your wife
Touch me not.

We have a flat
With gangs of rat
Morn to eve, you merely chat
Doing nothing widen in fat
More than you, I need a cat
I am 'She' not,
I am your wife
Touch me not.

My dear cot,
Poetry will one day make you rot
House tasks lot
You are unfit to lift a pot
I am 'She' not,
I'm your wife
Touch me not.

Poetry will not put a hat
On your bald head nobody pat
Sure, 'She' not
My dear bat,
I am your wife
Touch me not.

Monday, April 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: comedy
Almost poets are poor before their wives.
Bichitra Anand 03 May 2017

It is the reality of a poet's life.Poem addiction is not cur able. Poem does not put hat still the poet writes.

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Kishore Kumar Das 13 April 2017

Your poem's central idea is a reality esp. tf the poem is a romantic one....but the underlying philosophy will be definitely appreciated by one and all.....in a lighter vein your lines are very much enjoyable...

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Your comments are quite inspiring.Thanks.

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Richard Wlodarski 14 May 2017

Quite funny, yet a little bite to the realism! Thank you for sharing.

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Bharati Nayak 30 April 2023

The poem's title caught my attention.Really humerous poem though based on a real life situation.Poets have to endure such scorn in their home just because they write poem.But they would rarely leave their passion for the mundane task at home.

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Jolly S Lee 11 February 2018

House tasks lot - which derail a number of people or poets.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 14 December 2017

Poetry will one day make you rot House tasks lot You are unfit to lift a pot I am 'She' not, I'm your wife Touch me not. Wow Sir, it's not mere comedy. A great picturization of the life of helpless hubbies in front of the commanding materialistic wives, so beautifully painted. Hats off Sir, I don't feel shame to show my baldness atop too. My words can't praise your poetry to the extent I wanted to. 1000++++ Subhas

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Jolly S Lee 29 January 2018

Thanks Sir.

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Jolly S Lee 16 November 2017

A realistic beautifully yarn for a wife.

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Gajanan Mishra 16 July 2017

unfit to life a pot.. I am your wife, touch me not, meaningful, dear poet

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Prabhat Kumar Sahoo

Prabhat Kumar Sahoo

316, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India
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