D Loveday Morris

D Loveday Morris Poems

Like ripples in the water and rising tide
We are not just mere attraction to people passing by
Like ripples in the water I have a powerful source
Who has the strength to sail or sink your boat

Lord I Thank You
For the gifts you've given me,
Ears to hear and eyes to see,
A perspective that's multi-dimensional,

Because I choose to see beyond just black or white
Doesn't mean I've weakened, weak or lack insight
Because I choose to ignore your malicious intent
Doesn't mean I can't see beyond your guise and pretence

See Me As Human

See me, I'm human brushed and coated with melanin
See me, I'm human beyond the beautiful shades of my skin

Sleep on

My heart weeps for you
The news thunders tears to my eyes

My Darling Daughter,
If You Must Only Be Just One Thing

If you must only be just one thing,

Black. Stop.

Black rain
Black pain

Today I watched and listened... took ' A Walk To Remember'. It made me cry. It is truly sad how we live life and take things and people for granted. It is sad and beautiful that although we go down an unfamiliar road it is a road that was once traveled by others.

Place Above the Average

She finds a place above average
A solace and a space to salvage

Do you remember when we played hide and seek?
How much fun it was to wish… to walk and hold hands on the street?
When you were my puppy love and I was your girl;
I was your everything, you were my world

Why do tears rain like streams of pain?
Why do you lose the ones you love, who stand to gain?
I took for granted that we would always be.
I took for granted your face I would always see.

I find my solace in a place that's near and far;
A place where I am free to be naked and beautiful;
A place where my truths are alive and real;
A place where there's no deception or exception and unnecessary explanation;



To the cynic, critic, political gimmick
To those who love to preach hate

This dance was Devine indeed
And not by any theory of big bang
I gazed at you from across the floor
Not knowing what was really in store

Tell Me What You Want

Tell me what you want and I'll pretend not to care
That you are stripping the black from my hair

This is Powerful

Power rightly used is powerful
Power justly used is masterful

What If?

What if it was all a misunderstanding; everything you think you see?
What if the feathers you ruffled, were never meant to be?

Then I Started To Laugh

Today I spent time on the phone
We laughed and chatted in various tones

A Run in Time
I read the letter you wrote
A couple years ago
The message was sent to my brain

I'm Alive!

I'm alive, I can feel it in my soul
I'm alive, earth is my home

D Loveday Morris Biography

Hailing from the sun kissed island of Jamaica and residing in Manchester, England, D.Loveday Morris, infuses love and passion in her poems.They are an integration of various aspects of life and influenced equally by creatures and elements-simple and complex; literatures historic and contemporary. Seeing herself as a spiritual being, accountable to the creater; she believes that life is to be lived deeply through divine submission, exploration, experiences and reflection. She is a registered nurse with experience in management, education and research. D.Lovedy Morris, is also a singer/song witer. Some of her songs were also studio recorded. However due to conflicts with the producer, those have not been widely heard. It is her aim to use her poetry and the arts to positively influence healthcare, education and the lives of people globally. She is the mother of an etheral creature, who challenges and inspires her perpetually.)

The Best Poem Of D Loveday Morris

Ripples In The Water

Like ripples in the water and rising tide
We are not just mere attraction to people passing by
Like ripples in the water I have a powerful source
Who has the strength to sail or sink your boat

Like ripples in the water seemingly carefree
The superficial miss my intentional-ity
Like the wind and water making caterpillar waves
My existence will transcend the grave

Like ripples in the water on a day the wind seems too quiet to see
I'm forever using energy, to create things of essence and beauty
I create ripples in people's minds
And impact the way they live, feel, think and what they do all the time

Like ripples in the water seemingly carefree
The superficial will miss my intentional-ity
Like ripples in the water use that force
Create that upthrust for someone's sinking boat

Be like ripples in the water, more than catapillar waves
Let your existence transcend the grave
Be a servant but never a slave
Let your livity transcend the grave

D. Loveday Morris

May 22,2020

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