Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Broken Heart

How do you mend, a broken
heart? Where do you begin
and where do you start? How
do you face another day? What

A Better Life

The more you think about it
life gets harder everyday. You
strive to do the right thing, but
at times, it can go astray. It's

Alone In A Crowd

Sometimes, in a crowded room, you
can still feel alone. So many people
surround you, but you're strictly on
your own. Looking around the room,

A Good Man

It's great to have a man around the
house. And better still, if he happens
to be your spouse. There may be
times, when you'll not see eye to eye.

A Change Of Attitude

How can one, explain, what they feel,
inside? On the surface, it seems like
one thing, but it's really a roller coaster,
ride. One minute your up, the next, you're

A Day Dreamer

Ever since I can remember, I've been
a day dreamer. I'd constantly think
about places I longed to see. It would
lift my spirits, when needed. Alleviate

Even Though

Even though, you're far away, my
thoughts, are with you, everyday!
There isn't a moment, where I don't
wish you were still around, to make

Aging Gracefully

As women, there comes a time, we
cannot dress as we did before. As we
get older, things change and what we're
wearing, isn't appropriate anymore. Not

A Deep Abiding Love

If I could only be with you, one more
time! It most certainly, would make my
day! I would do things for you, like I used
to do. As if you never, were away! Just

A Brand New Woman

There comes a time, in a woman's life,
when she's not satisified, with the way
she looks. It's then, she'll seek the advice
of others, but knows, it can't be found in

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