Alison Gaff

Alison Gaff Poems


Its like the worlds stopped turning
Without you by my side
But then I look and wonder
At the changing countryside

Another of my favourites
Has to be the jay
Its call is very hard and harsh
But to hear it makes my day

Sunrise today was a colourful sight
But fast it faded to dingy light
Now underneath a leaden sky
One man and his dog jog by

Angles are always busy
Be it by day or night,
They clean and polish every star,
That's why they shine so bright.

Everywhere is dark and still
With nothing much to see
But as I turn the corner
The new moon does greet me

Its a mizzle, drizzle morning
Dark grey blanket clouds above
It really is quite miserable
Unless you are in love

I miss you now that you're not here
I wish so much that you were near.
They say grief lessens every day,
But memories will forever stay.


Life can be so cruel and bring such sorrow
So we must live for today and hope for tomorrow
We've had good times and happy days
We've been so lucky in many ways


I'd like to think that all the stars
That twinkle high above
Are all our friends who've passed away
Sending down their love.

Winter brings the frosty morns
Leaves grass all shimmering white
The birds are busy chattering
So stay a while I might

We had a little Birthday treat
A nature trip out in the bay
Although the weathers not bright
We hoped dry that we might stay

There's a perfect glowing half moon
In the deep violet blue skies
Where Orions' Belt is shining
All is so silent and serene

The mornings now are darker
And there's a chill in the air
The harvest moon is shining
Signs of autumn are everywhere

This morning is so wet and dark
With a very heavy drizzle falling
No stars or moon up in the sky
And no early birds are calling

This morning is oh so dark
You can hardly see a thing
It's all so very still and quiet
That the birds don't even sing

The sun casts dappled shadows
As I walk beneath the trees
There's oh so many shades of green
And so many shapes of leaves

Walking to the bus today
I stopped underneath the trees
Then I stood and closed my eyes
And I swear I could here the seas

Now the nights are drawing in
The light is fading fast
The temperature is falling
Hope this icy blast won't last

Last night gave us stormy weather
It was a feisty affair
With thunder loudly clapping
And the lightening it did flare

The cold air has an eerie feel
With no sound from beast or bird
And with no leaves left a rustling
Distant traffic sounds are all that's heard

Alison Gaff Biography

I'm 50+ and for as long as I can remember I have had a keen interest in poetry. I think its a family trait as I have found odd pieces of poetry written by my Grand-parents and my Mother and her 3 siblings. It has also rubbed off on my 2 children and to a lesser extent my grandson. We often mark special occasions with a poem, birthdays, babies, Christmas, you name it and we'll have a go at a poem for it! ! Other interests include family and friends, nature walks, gardening and visiting new places.)

The Best Poem Of Alison Gaff


Its like the worlds stopped turning
Without you by my side
But then I look and wonder
At the changing countryside
The bright colours of the Summer
Give way to Autumns bronze and gold
The skies turn dark and miserable
And I wish I had you're hand to hold
But then a rainbow lights the sky
And brightens up the day
I'm sure you're watching over me
And you're never far away

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