
I guess you think you know this story.
You don't. The real one's much more gory.
The phoney one, the one you know,
Was cooked up years and years ago,
And made to sound all soft and sappy
just to keep the children happy.
Mind you, they got the first bit right,
The bit where, in the dead of night,
The Ugly Sisters, jewels and all,
Departed for the Palace Ball,


You always read about it:
the plumber with the twelve children
who wins the Irish Sweepstakes.
From toilets to riches.
That story.

Or the nursemaid,
some luscious sweet from Denmark
who captures the oldest son's heart.
from diapers to Dior.


If my name was Cinderella
You could be the prince
I could wear my sparkling prom dress
We could fall in love the moment our eyes meet
If my name was Cinderella

If my name was Cinderella
We could have a song
And dance in the silver moonlight
You could hold me tight and spin me in the air

Something Theatrical

Come to the theatre, discern the actions, there on the stage,
With actors giving you their all, your interest to engage,
The light, scenery and music, the atmosphere is great,
There's drama, and there's comedy, it's a chance to celebrate.

Such power in the performance, which can always mesmerize,
The colour and the spectacle that unfolds before your eyes,
The musical and the pantomime, are all such fun to see,
The songs are awe inspiring, 'Cinderella' is for me.
A story of love and romance, with a happy ending too,

Michael Jackson, The Thriller, Died

Michael Jackson, the Thriller, Died

Life is unfair
To those who dare
Life is cruel
To those who sit idle.

Black people die
White people die
Multiracial people die


Cinderella in the street
In a ragged gown,
Sloven slippers on her feet,
Shames our tidy town;
Harsh her locks of ashen grey,
Vapour vague her stare,
By the curb this bitter day
Selling papers there.

Cinderella once was sweet,

In Search Of Cinderella

From dusk to dawn,
From town to town,
Without a single clue,
I seek the tender, slender foot
To fit this crystal shoe.
From dusk to dawn,
I try it on
Each damsel that I meet.
And I still love her so, but oh,
I've started hating feet.

Abused Cinderella

Cinderella was a nice gal
Always did what she was told
Put others before herself
Cinderella had lots of hopes and dreams
One day in the town she heard of the ball
CInderella wanted to go
Really really bad
Her step mom gave her touble
Her sisters were ok
But she never went

A Moments Escape

Take me back in time
Open my timeless capsule of
your soul

Walk down my cobblestoned path
decorated with all the memories
that made us warm

Once agan the starlights will


Her imaginary playmate was a grown-up
In sea-coal satin. The flame-blue glances,
The wings gauzy as the membrane that the ashes
Draw over an old ember --as the mother
In a jug of cider-- were a comfort to her.
They sat by the fire and told each other stories.

"What men want..." said the godmother softly--
How she went on it is hard for a man to say.
Their eyes, on their Father, were monumental marble.


Cinderella, why do you wish to be like anyone else?
Your fine by yourself.
People notice you because your different

Cinderella, why do you wish to be pretty?
What you have is called inner beauty
I’m not giving you my pity

Cinderella, Why don’t you stand up to those snobs?
They are garbage compared to you


It’s Midnight my love
Its time for me to disappear
And leave behind my
Golden slipper
For you to find
Making sure that
There will be another
Evening of pure delight

Don’t stop me my love

Glass, Blood, And Ash


Please, silk-​​sister, do this thing for me.

I do not want to sit on that broad-​​backed horse,
or smell his skin, grassy and hot as boiled husks,
inside a shirt ropy with gold tassels and primogeniture.

I never wanted it. I just

The Art Of Caring

I will admit I was a tightwad, though that fact shames me now,
As never changing mountains, often colorful mists will allow!

I never meant to be unkind, but only endeavored to be practical,
Like the moon exiting skies, when night cannot be more magical.

I yearned to be a huge success, and truly thought I knew it all,
Like Cinderella as she lost her shoe, when running from the ball!

Still I had plenty of friends, who overlooked my unhappy faults,

Cinderella's Shoes

The ugly sister, Alice,
glared at the mirror with reflected malice;
gave a grin
and blew a bubble;
stroked the stubble
on her chin
and simpered, in unbridled bliss,
'What a charmer I iss! '
adding, with a grimace,
'Who's the prettier, glass face? '


A lonely child with toil o’ertaxed,
Sits Cinderella by the fire;
Her limbs in weariness relaxed,
And in her eyes a sad desire.
But soon a wreath is on her brow;
A bonny prince has claimed her hand;
And she’s as proud and happy now
As any lady in the land.

Ah, then to see a fairy bright,

Miss Cinderella's Forgotten Shoe

Miss Cinderella
O Miss Cinderella!

I reckoned my dreams would materialize true
When I stared into those beautiful eyes of you
Miss Cinderella
O Miss Cinderella
Thou forgot to cast behind thy only begotten shoe

I stand here in line in thy awaited queue

! Backward Boys

Saturday evening, the week's hired film, click-click, click-click
while we chewed fruit gums and shouted FOCUS!
from time to time when the reel changed;
and after The White Hell of Pitz Palu
or The Lost Horizon, and Mickey in black and white
and Corky the Cat; after the hired films
and the occasional black potato growing on the screen
when the celluloid caught fire,
the home movies run backwards:
and the world was a magic kingdom -

Font Color='0bb5ff' Modern Day Cinderella

where are her little helpers
those nice little mice
why is she so alone in it all

where is her fairy god mother
to say 'poof' and it all be gone
she needs a break
she needs for once to care for herself

when will she get to meet her prince

! ! Machiavelli's Advice To Princes

is a shoo-in.