You'll Be Sorry (Someday) Poem by Mervyn Graham

You'll Be Sorry (Someday)

Rating: 5.0

In the dimmed halls where echoes fade,
There lies a whisper, a solemn serenade.
'You'll be sorry someday, ' the voices say,
A haunting refrain that won't fade away.

In the depths of dusk, where dreams take flight,
Regrets are born from the absence of light.
A melody of sorrow, oft a bitter tune,
Echoes through the chambers of the moon.

For every word left unsaid, every tear unshed,
The weight of silence, a heavy thread.
'You'll be sorry someday, ' the echoes cry,
As time unfolds beneath a vast sky.

In the tapestry of moments, woven and spun,
Lies the truth of actions, of deeds undone.
With each passing hour, each fleeting breath,
Comes the reckoning, the dance with death.

But in the heart of darkness, there's a glimmer of light,
A chance for redemption, to make things right.
'You'll be sorry someday, ' the voices sigh,
But forgiveness whispers, 'It's never too late to try.'

So let the echoes fade, let the shadows fall,
For in forgiveness, there's a healing call.
Though regrets may linger, like stars in the night,
Hope shines bright with the dawn's first light.

'You'll be sorry someday, ' now a distant refrain,
And in the embrace of forgiveness, there's no pain.
For love is the melody that sets us free,
And in its embrace, we find our destiny.

Mervyn Graham (cc 2024)

You'll Be Sorry (Someday)
Tom Allport 08 May 2024

A wonderful right forgiveness is for all who choose the light...

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The anger, animosity slowly fades over time and one realises that "in the embrace of forgiveness, there's no pain"..

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Mervyn Graham

Mervyn Graham

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