Tourniquet Poem by Doctor Dashaun Snipes


Rating: 5.0

In the depths of despair, where shadows dwell,
Lies a heart that bleeds, under a spell,
A wound so deep, it refuses to heal,
A pain so raw, it cannot conceal.

The tourniquet of time, wrapped around my soul,
Strangling my spirit, taking its toll,
A bandage of memories, soaked in tears,
Trying to stem the flow of my fears.

Each twist of the tourniquet, a reminder of the past,
Of broken dreams, that couldn't last,
Of promises made, but never kept,
Of love that faded, and silently wept.

The pain throbs like a heartbeat, relentless and strong,
A constant reminder of all that went wrong,
The tourniquet tightens, cutting off the pain,
But the memories linger, like a haunting refrain.

I try to escape the grip of the past,
But the tourniquet holds me fast,
Binding me to the pain and the sorrow,
A never-ending cycle, with no tomorrow.

I search for solace in the darkness of night,
Hoping to find a glimmer of light,
But the tourniquet tightens, restricting my breath,
Choking my spirit, leading to death.

I cry out for release, for freedom from the pain,
But the tourniquet tightens, driving me insane,
I struggle and fight, but it won't let go,
A constant reminder of the sorrow I know.

The tourniquet of regret, of missed chances and dreams,
Of broken promises and silent screams,
It wraps around my heart, cutting off the flow,
Of love and joy, of hope and woe.

I try to break free, to tear it apart,
But the tourniquet holds me, breaking my heart,
I writhe in agony, in the grip of despair,
As the memories flood back, without a care.

The tourniquet of time, a cruel twist of fate,
Binding me to the past, sealing my fate,
I long for release, for a chance to start anew,
But the tourniquet holds me, what can I do?

I close my eyes and pray for peace,
For the pain and sorrow to cease,
But the tourniquet tightens, a vice on my soul,
A reminder of the wounds that never made whole.

I reach out for help, for a guiding hand,
To lead me out of this desolate land,
But the tourniquet tightens, a relentless grip,
A reminder of the scars that run deep and rip.

I whisper a prayer to the heavens above,
To grant me the strength, the courage to love,
To break free from the tourniquet's hold,
And find peace in a world so cold.

I take a deep breath, and face my fears,
To confront the pain, to dry my tears,
To loosen the tourniquet that binds my heart,
And find a new beginning, a fresh start.

I unravel the bandage of memories past,
And let go of the pain that couldn't last,
I release the tourniquet, let it fall away,
And embrace the dawn of a brand new day.

I step into the light, with a heart unbound,
Free from the tourniquet that once held me down,
I soar above the pain, like a bird in flight,
And leave behind the darkness, in the fading night.

Authorship by Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
©Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
® Tourniquet

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