Not Fair Poem by Paula Glynn

Not Fair

Why did he think it and not me?
Why did she think it and not me?
Why does he get all the glory?
Why does she get all the glory?

It seems life is unfair
What one has the other lacks
What one gets praise for
The other doesn't

Lights dazzle her lottery winnings
Champagne razzmatazz
And he celebrates his lottery winnings
While the man sleeps cold on the street

The sunny beach full of the beautiful
The cold workplace full of the ugly
The normal to be average Joe and Jane
For all lesser to feel the pain

Of a life deeply unfair
The Mariah Carey's of the world
Getting all the praise
And all the applause and glory

And we all write our own story
Money making us live in luxury
Lack of money leaving us in dire straits
Where we live or suffer our fate

We all play the lottery
We all dream of luxury
We all dream of beauty
We all dream of a perfect life

Where we are never trash
Always flashing our cash
Riding in expensive cars
Riding with those celebrities

And we would wear designer clothes
We would wear designer shoes
We would have expensive manicures
We would have always styled hair

We wouldn't be someone who didn't care
Someone who had sweat on their back
Because of money they lack
Because of working hard for little pay

It is never fair
What one has the other lacks
And when average Joe and Jane
Makes the money

It is lost quickly
Others to use average Joe and Jane
Their lottery winnings drained
Their bankaccount strained

The beautiful to walk that catwalk
Their beauty impossible to replicate
No matter the clothing
No matter the expensive shoes

Life is never fair
Even for those that try
That dare
For dreams should come true

But with those in a wheelchair
Those with dyslexia
Those with ill health
It seems only ever that stranger
Has all the glory and wealth.

Friday, August 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: society
Kostas Lagos 21 August 2020

The tragicomedy of life...excellent piece of work

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Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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