My Heart Poem by Doctor Dashaun Snipes

My Heart

Rating: 5.0

In the depth of my heart, where love does reside,
A gentle rhythm beats, a feeling to guide.
Yet when danger nears, it quickens its pace,
Morse code in my chest, a coded embrace.

Adrenaline surges, awakens my core,
Senses heightened, ready for what's in store.
A dance with awareness, a delicate twist,
Unveiling secrets that once had been missed.

In the tapestry of time, history aligns,
Repeating patterns, echoes that chime.
Pulling me from the heavens above,
My heart's rhythm beats with a fierce love.

Soft whispers of danger, a call to arms,
My pulse a reminder of past alarms.
A symphony of emotions, a melody grand,
Guiding me through each uncharted land.

In the midst of chaos, my spirit will soar,
My heart's Morse code, a message to explore.
Leading me through the darkness ahead,
The file of history, alive and widespread.

Repetitive cycles, lessons to heed,
My heart as a compass, in times of need.
Love's rhythm a shelter, a steady beat,
Pulling me back from the edge of defeat.

So when danger comes knocking on my door,
My heart's Morse code echoes even more.
A symphony of love, a song of the soul,
Guiding me through life's ebb and flow.

In the rhythm of my heart, the truth is found,
Love's enduring presence, an unbreakable bound.
Through danger and fear, it remains steadfast,
A beacon of light that will forever last.

Authorship by Mr Dashaun Rashod Snipes
©Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
®My Heart

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