Metaphysical Intrigue Chases: Shape Shifting Mysteries: The Way Of Water Poem by Terence George Craddock

Metaphysical Intrigue Chases: Shape Shifting Mysteries: The Way Of Water

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water at a glance
so simple a constant
unchanging image

but water hides complexities
beneath shifting surface
beneath changing surface

water has many faces
water has many moods
water has depths of patience

water has transitions
water has mood swings
water is quiet serene

water motionless
water trickles
water flows

water shrugs
water shakes shoulders
water shifts

water walks
water runs
water leaps

water legs it springs
water swims swirls dives
water manifests underwater currents

water rapid rises
water tempest floods
water rage destroys

who in an instant can see know comprehend
myriad shape transitions phases pulses transcending...

metaphysical intrigue chasing shape shifting
mysteries displayed locked into elusive ways of water...

elements on water weather visual perceptions

smoke on water
mist on water
rain on water
light on water
shadow on water
wind on water
snow on water
ice on water

all interact
change water
shifting realities...

as visual
stimuli alter depth
sight sensory

time on water light luminosity differentials

dawn on water
dusk on water
sunrise on water
sunshine on water
sunset on water
dark on water
night on water
moon on water
stars on water

time shifts
clouds sun
altering seconds
minutes hours...

melting luminosity
densities stark
light drifting waxing
into shadows...

dusk embracing
merging into night
skies star infused
or void overcast...

objects on water shape mystery identities

leaf on water
twig on water
stick on water
insect on water
bird on water
branch on water
log on water
boat on water

objects motion
floating on water
when where what
time spaced next defining...

varieties identities
densities motion
shifting volumes
river differentials categorizing...

natural organic
plant leaf twig
stick branch log
tree shifting floating...

organic animal
insect bird
mammal reptile
dead alive
prey predator...

to artificial
boat ship wood
debris broken
destroyed functioning...

to inorganic
artificial fiberglass
aluminium steel
shape identities identifying...

mysteries semi
submerged surface
floating stuck
arriving passing leaving...

water chameleon veil shapes time transformations

ship on water
twilight on water
water wears many faces
water wears many shapes
water wears many emotions
water wears many experiences
water wears many seasons
water wears multiple realities

water wears many years
water wears many decades
water wears many centuries
water wears time dimensions
water shape morphs all are real realities
water flows runs passes in transitory slices
water rivers tranquil turbulent whisper thunders voices
water carries embraces time in liquid volume consuming stages

water morphs temperature pressure chameleon shape shifts

sage knows... the same river... cannot be entered twice

water secrets... heart beats flutter... in tears fears sunshine smiles

all interact change water perceived shifting realities...
as visual stimuli alter depth sight sensory perceptions...

time shifts clouds sun altering second minutes hours...
melting luminosity densities stark light drifting waxing into shadows...
dusk embracing merging into night skies star infused or void overcast...

objects motion floating on water when where what next defining
varieties identities densities motion shifting volumes categorizing
natural organic plant leaf twig stick branch log tree shifting floating
organic animal insect bird mammal reptile dead alive prey predator
to artificial boat ship wood debris broken destroyed functioning
to inorganic artificial fiberglass aluminium steel identities identifying
mysteries semi submerged surface floating arriving pasting leaving...

water wears time motion stagnant dimensions
water transient existence fluctuates morphs realities
water vapour liquid solid flows runs passes in transitory slices
water glaciers rivers tranquil turbulent whisper thunder voices
water carries embraces time in vapour liquid solid phases stages...

shifting shadows on water shade mystic shapes

transitions in water
smoke on water veils conceals
smoke on water hides vanishes

transitions in water
mist on water transparencies
mist on water dances dancing

transitions in water
rain on water whispers pounds
rain on water skipping leaping

transitions in water
light on water liquid sparkles shines
light on water plays running shifts

transitions in water
shadow on water teases hides
shadow on water moving covering

transitions in water
wind on water wavelet ripples
wind on water caresses kisses waves

transitions in water
snow on water touches melts
snow on water dissolves disappears

transitions in water
ice on water films covers
ice on water firms freezes holds

smoke on water
mist on water
rain on water
light on water
shadow on water
wind on water
snow on water
ice on water

transitions in time on water transient realities

time on water
dawn on water light sleep waking
dawn on water light stretching appearing

time on water
dusk on water light yawning
dusk on water light drowsy disappearing

time on water
sunrise on water light sleepy blinking
sunrise on water red fingernail creeping smiling

time on water
sunshine on water light intense glowing
sunshine on water light rare diamonds sparkling

time on water
sunset on water light rose red descending
sunset on water light day spent softly departing

time on water
dark on water shades of viscosity dark gathering
dark on water air water darkness interacting emerging

time on water
night on water night sky water surface touching
night on water night sounds lapping off water bouncing

time on water
moon on water each night differs cycles waxing wanning
moon on water new dark invisible to luminous bright full shinning

time on water
stars on water full moon stars brightest familiar silk twinkling
stars on water new moon stars wondrous spread pulse flickering flashing

dawn on water
dusk on water
sunrise on water
sunshine on water
sunset on water
dark on water
night on water
moon on water
stars on water

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

This poem is heartfelt dedicated in appreciation, to the poet Denis Mair; who asked the simple question 'Why do you know so much about water? ', which inspired memories written into water. I wrote Denis a brief answer and then wrote this poem. Split image from the poem 'Smoke Time Mist On Water', by the poet Terence George Craddock. I wrote the poem 'Smoke Time Mist On Water' in a pause in episode 3 of the South Korean television series 'Legend of the Blue Sea', starring Jun Ji-hyun and Lee Min-ho. Therefore the poem is dedicated to all the cast and crew. The complete version of the split images 'Water First Glance Simple: Grows In Complexities', 'Elements On Water Weather Visual Perceptions', 'Time On Water Light Luminosity Differentials', 'Objects On Water Shape Mystery Identities', 'Water Chameleon Veil Shapes Time Transformations', 'Water Morphs Temperature Pressure Chameleon Shape Shifts', 'Shifting Shadows On Water Shade Mystic Shapes' and 'Transitions In Time On Water Transient Realities', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in September 2021&April 2023 on the 27.09.2021&22&23.4.2023.
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