Immortalized Poem by Doctor Dashaun Snipes


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In the realm where time stands still,
Where dreams and reality entwine,
There lies a tale of immortal will,
A saga of the divine.

From the depths of ancient lore,
Through echoes of eternity,
A story of heroes and more,
Whispers of immortality.

In the hallowed halls of yore,
Legends of valor and might,
Where warriors clash and soar,
In the never-ending fight.

Bathed in the golden light of dawn,
A hero rises, strong and true,
With a sword that's never drawn,
Yet cuts through the darkest hue.

In battles fierce and fierce they stand,
Against the shadows that encroach,
Their names written in the sand,
Forever remembered, never reproached.

Their deeds etched in the annals of time,
Carved into the fabric of the universe,
A symphony of valor and rhyme,
A tale that will never disperse.

Through the mists of time they stride,
Immortalized in memory's gaze,
Their essence never to hide,
In the eternal flame that blaze.

In the tapestry of existence,
Threads of heroism are woven,
A testament to their persistence,
In the battles fought and proven.

From the mountains to the seas,
Their legacy endures,
In the whispers of the breeze,
Their spirit reassures.

In the hearts of those who remember,
Their deeds remain alive,
In the embers of every ember,
Their courage will survive.

For in the realm where time stands still,
Where dreams and reality entwine,
The heroes of old linger still,
Their immortality forever divine.

So raise a glass to those who fought,
And to those who never yield,
For in their battles bravely wrought,
Their stories are forever sealed.

In the echoes of eternity,
Their voices softly call,
A reminder of our shared humanity,
A beacon for one and all.

In the twilight of the ages,
Their light will never fade,
Immortalized on history's pages,
In the memories that we've made.

So let us honor those who came before,
And the sacrifices they made,
For in their deeds forever soar,
The spirit that will never fade.

In the realm where time stands still,
Where dreams and reality entwine,
We pay homage to those who will,
Forever in our hearts enshrine.

Immortalized in memory's embrace,
Their legend will forever be,
A testament to courage and grace,
For all eternity.

Authorship by Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
©Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
® Immortalized

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